Starting at 19, the first Czech League (Gambrinus Liga) meet in round number 13, Slovan Liberec and Sparta formations Praga.
Situatia both teams before the match was as follows: hosts from Slovan Liberec, ranks 11th with a total 13 points and a goal of 15-18, having played 12 matches in the championship three wins, four defeats and 5 eglitate results.
Our guests today, Sparta Prague ranks in the top 5 with a total of 22 points 12 games after having played a positive goal difference of 18-9, in the 12 matches played rusind seven wins, a draw and four defeats.
Sparta Prague try to recover the 12 points that separate the surprise leader slapped, and this today must motivate his meeting with those groups on Thursday Liberec.
Sparta drew with Switzerland's European League Luassane emoticon has been a big surprise, Sparta being matched in 90 min